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Saturday, 1 November 2008
boxer info
Breed Group:  Working
Weight:  male: 65-80, female: 50-65 lbs
Height:  male: 22.5-25, female: 21-23.5 inches
Color(s):  fawn and brindle, both with or without white flashing and black mask
Coat:  The Boxer has a shorthaired coat, which is shiny, smooth, and fits tightly to the body. The coat comes in such colors as fawn, red, and brindle, with "flashings" of white on their underbelly, chest, and all four feet. In some cases the "flashing" will appear on their face. The Boxer is an average shedder that sheds year round.
Overview:  The Boxer originated in Germany in the late 19th century. This breed's name was supposedly derived from the "boxing" motion they made with their front paws. Boxers are stocky and medium in size with strong jaws and a powerful bite. They are widely used in search and rescue, police work, and military work.
Character:  Boxers are lively, strong, and extremely loyal. They have an exceedingly high energy level. They carry themselves with pride, but are never arrogant. They have a stoic stance, and are intelligent, loving, delightful companions.
Temperament:  The Boxer is patient, dignified, and self-assured. They exhibit curiosity, but are wary of strangers. This breed is fearless and courageous if threatened. They are keenly alert and have a heightened sense of hearing, which make them excellent guard dogs. The Boxer adores children and other pets they have been raised with. They have an inordinate need for human companionship and do not like to be alone for extended periods of time. They are not well suited for a two career family. Insufficient attention may lead them into "bad" behavior in an attempt to be noticed.
Care:  The Boxers tight, short coat requires minimal grooming. Occasional brushing with a firm bristle brush is recommended. Bathing should only be done when absolutely necessary to ensure the essential oils are not stripped from their skin. The Boxer is typically clean and will groom themselves. This breed has some major health concerns such as cardiomyopathy, sub-aortic stenosis, and hip dysplasia. They may also be prone to tumors, epilepsy, allergies, and skin problems. A proper diet is absolutely essential due to their sensitive stomach and tendency toward excessive flatulence. The Boxer is an indoor pet as their short coat cannot protect them from cold climates.
Training:  The Boxer is clever and quick to learn. Obedience training is essential. They require a dominant owner capable of controlling them. They do not respond well to harsh treatment. Training must consist of fairness, firmness, and consistency. Boxers do well in competitive obedience and love to learn and perform tricks.
Activity:  The Boxer enjoys regular play and outdoor exercise. They thrive on playing with their family and do best with a medium sized fenced yard. It is important to keep them stimulated and occupied indoors to prevent destruction brought about by boredom. The Boxer will do okay in an apartment if they are sufficiently and regularly exercised.
Boxer breed information
Characteristics Rating
Size: 3333333
Grooming requirements:1111111
Exercise requirements:3333333
Good with other dogs:3333333
Watchdog ability:3333333

Posted by fortheloveofboxers at 8:56 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 1 November 2008 9:18 PM EDT
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